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Organic Garden Stories!
FAQs - Garden Owners - Trail Publicity
Other FAQs
Q: What sort of marketing and publicity opportunities does the
Organic Garden Trail get involved in?
A: First: The main aim is for the coordinators is to facilitate media
exposure at nil cost to members. They will find ways to market
the Trail as a 'Tourist Attraction' and an 'Umbrella Brand' and to
choose media options that will allow as wide as exposure
as possible.
Second: The coordinators will explore no-cost media opportunities
to allow for a feature of individual gardens/enterprises in
suitable types of media whilst including the general OGT brand
and rationale, the number of overall gardens involved, with the link
to our OGT website.
Third: The coordinators will keep themselves well informed about
paid opportunities for marketing and exposure for the OGT.
Where a prospect is identified, (advertising or membership), action
to secure it will ONLY occur where a discernable benefit to our
members is obvious, member cost apportions are calculated and
this information is available to enbable direct member consultation.]
A range of publicity has occured over 2015/2016 [see list below].
24 Apr. - newspaper article in The Augusta Margaret River Times asking
for expressions of interest to join The Organic Garden Trail
within the "Margaret River Region".
02 Oct. - newspaper article in The Augusta Margaret River Times
advising the launch for The Organic Garden Trail - Margaret
River Region.
06 Oct. - Launch at 'Fair Harvest' of The Organic Garden Trail -
Margaret River Region.
09 Oct. - newspaper article in The Augusta Margaret River Times
advising the launch for The Organic Garden Trail - Margaret
River Region.
10 Oct. - newspaper article in The West Australian advising the launch
for The Organic Garden Trail - Margaret River Region.
11 Oct. - small newspaper article in The Sunday Times advising the
launch for The Organic Garden Trail - Margaret River Region.
Oct. - full OGT garden stories and photos within the Busselton
Margaret River Tourist Association website Oct. Newsletter.
?? Oct. - interview on ABC Country radio.
?? Oct. - interview of one of the OGT Co-ordinators and two of the
Margaret River Region garden members on ABC NewsSunday.
04 Nov. - OGT leaflet and garden stories to Tourism Australia.
05 Nov. - OGT leaflet and garden stories to Southwest Tourism WA.
Dec. - four page article and photos in magazine called
‘Primo Life’ in the lifestyle and travel section.
Jan. - paragraph in January 2016 edition of 'Australian Traveller'
talking about the Trail and pointing to the website.
08 Mar. - as guest speakers at the International Womens Day event - at
Cullen Wines. Talking about the Organic Garden Trail.
12 Mar. - two page article in The Weekend Australian Magazine
20 Jul. - small newpaper article in the Donnybrook/Bridgetown Mail
talking about the Blackwood River Valley OGT Launch.
20 Jul. - small newpaper article in the Margaret River Mail talking
about the Blackwood River Valley OGT Launch.
Jul. - Interview on Tourist Radio - South West ( 6.28 minutes)